RB Neighborhood Summit, April 2013Top Ideas from Rainier Beach Neighborhood Summit

Here are the top ideas from participants at the Rainier Beach Summit sponsored by Rainier Beach Moving Forward at Jamal Crawford Court, Rainier Beach High School, April 6, 2013, 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

10 ideas of what being connected looks like in Rainier Beach

  1. To be able to shop locally
  2. To know my local business and community folk and to be known by them
  3. Cook and share a meal at the Rainier Beach Urban Farm
  4. To have one umbrella organization that represents Rainier Beach on civic issues – many organizations in one voice
  5. Ensure we have safe streets for everoune – all ages, all modes of transit, all abilities
  6. To have signage, safe paths and accessible transit that connects Light Rail, schools, business and parks
  7. To feel safe and free to move around our streets on foot or bicycle or car or train
  8. To connect people from Rainier Beach Ligh rail to businesses via shuttle and beautiful walkways.
  9. To know your neighbors strengths and weaknesses
  10. To “make things” we buy at Wal-Mart local, then buy them


6 ways to connect all 7,500 Rainier Beach residents, businesses, organizations etc..

  1. To have a art and cultural program and events that build community
  2. To have one calendar to share online between all groups within rainier Beach and the south end
  3. To create a neighborhood website and keep it active, where residents and business share all kinds of information, photos, etc..
  4. To door know and give personal invites to our potlucks and block party
  5. Block party’s street by street, neighborhood wide – eat, sing, dance
  6. To host an ethnic arts festival

4 ways to ensure a fantastic Rainier Beach Town Hall Meeting

  1. Invite cultural sharing – Ethiopian Coffee Service, Mexican folkloric dance, Sustainable Hip Hop, Rainier Beach Project: Overcoming Displacement (Zac Davis, LeaderLink Graduate)
  2. Roving Town Hall meetings – so different times and days will ensure broad community participation, culminating in a neighborhood party and reports
  3. Make it a pot luck, get kids in RB Schools involved in creating art for it and give awards
  4. Outline topics/agenda of town hall to community prior to meeting. Give them a reason to participate

6 ways to get neighbors to take ownership

  1. Ethnic diversity outreach – identify what’s in it for them
  2. To organize small community retreats using this format…e.g., education, arts etc.
  3. To have small, micro grants for local people/groups to tackle “action area” (through local organizations and councils.
  4. Youth involvement
  5. Food truck round up using ingredients from the Rainier Beach Urban Farm
  6. Offer mentorship to those who claim an action area