A year-round multidisciplinary
Art Market in Rainier Beach

The who, what, where, when, why of it:

WHO: A collective of Rainier Valley residents, local artists and supporters will create and operate Rainier Beach Art Markets (RBAM) on Mapes Creek Walkway, providing a creative outlet for everyone.

WHAT: The designation of Mapes Creek Walkway as a Festival Streets by the City of Seattle, Department of Transportation will offer the Rainier Beach Neighborhood the opportunity to host Art Markets and contribute to the economic development of Rainier Beach.

WHERE: In the unopened rights-of-way S. Fisher Place and the Mapes Creek Walkway between Rainier Ave to the south and S Henderson Street to the north.

WHEN: The work has already started to designate S. Fisher Place and Mapes Creek Walkway as Festival Streets. Pop-up art markets can be held as the project develops into a year around Art Market.

WHY: An Art Market will promote the creativity and self directed work
(entrepreneurship) that is the backbone of BIPOC communities and contribute to anchoring a BIPOC community in Rainier Beach. BAM will contribute to the vitality and cohesion of the Rainier Beach neighborhood and provide a destination for people from around the Puget Sound.

BAM will share space within the commercial core of the
neighborhood to make sure resources (money) flows through the neighborhood (not just out). BAM will provide a unique art market that offers a focus on BIPOC communities.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can bring the Mapes Creek Festival Street to life!

Interested in joining the RBAC Advisory Council? Complete the survey here!