The Mission

At RBAC we have multiple programs and projects, and they all relate to these three goals:

  • Implement the Rainier Beach Neighborhood Plan and build a connected, sustainable and equitable community within the Rainier Beach neighborhood.
  • Promote the “made in Rainier Beach”, quality education, living wage jobs, affordable transportation and housing for all.
  • Promote a safe place where people thrive, a neighborhood the world calls home.


The History

Rainier Beach Action Coalition is a result of a merger, in 2015, between Rainier Beach Community Empowerment Coalition and Rainier Beach Moving Forward out of a desire to increase capacity for the neighborhood.
Some things RBAC has done over the years:

  • TownHall Events
  • Back2School Bash Events
  • Corner Greeter Activations
  • And so much more!!!

RBAC is now a grass roots neighborhood development action coalition devoted to implementing neighborhood responsive renewal and development, focusing specifically on the implementation of the Rainier Beach Neighborhood Plan Update (1997, 2012).

The RBAC Logo

This logo symbolizes 3 concepts that underline RBAC’s commitment to the neighborhood:

  1. The street intersection: RBAC takes root in the neighborhood plan, and the street corner is where community comes together!
  2. The mosaic: 4 colored tiles representing the neighborhood diversity.
  3. Each of our 4 program areas:
    • A Place for Everyone
    • Lifelong Learning
    • A Beautiful Safe Place
    • Growing Food for a Healthy Industry

Legal Status:
Incorporated in the state of Washington in 2003 as a 501(c) 3 tax exempt Not for Profit Corporation EIN: 20-3758788; UBI: 602-545-890; Address: P.O. Box 3703 South Edmunds St, #19, Sea., WA 98118 Alternative Address: 9013 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Seattle, WÀ 98118.

Interested in joining the RBAC Advisory Council? Complete the survey here!