Rainier Beach Action Coalition (RBAC) is a result of a merger, in 2015, between Rainier Beach Community Empowerment Coalition (RBCEC) and Rainier Beach Moving Forward (RBMF) out of a desire to increase capacity for the neighborhood.
RBCEC, since 2003, has operated
-Town Hall
-Back2School Bash
-Monthly issue oriented meetings (Action Team Meetings)
-Fiscal agent services and
-Civic engagement opportunities for young people from the Rainier Beach neighborhood through paid stipends.
-A suite of online assets (two websites, two Facebook pages, e-newsletter and neighborhood newswire)
-An equipment loan library (4 IPads, 2 Digital Cameras, IMac and 1 Projector)
RBMF transitioned from a City of Seattle run process (as a Neighborhood Advisory Committee with monthly work session and quarterly public open houses), toward a 2-pronged strategy with:
-Monthly Steering Committee Meetings
-Rotating monthly Action Team Meetings for each of the 4 Neighborhood Plan Action Areas: A Place for Everyone, Lifelong Learning. Growing Food to Develop Healthy Industry, and A Beautiful Safe Place.
RBMF has from its inception been responding to a high demand of interest in the Rainier Beach neighborhood on the part of City departments and other community building organizations.
RBAC is now a grass roots neighborhood development action coalition devoted to implementing neighborhood responsive renewal and development, focusing specifically on the implementation of the Rainier Beach Neighborhood Plan Update (1997, 2012).