Legal Status:
Incorporated in the state of Washington in 2003 as a 501(c) 3 tax exempt Not for Profit Corporation EIN: 20-3758788; UBI: 602-545-890; Address: P.O. Box 3703 South Edmunds St, #19, Sea., WA 98118 Alternative Address: 9013 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Seattle, WÀ 98118.
Tag Line:
Empowering community, moving Rainier Beach forward
Engaging and empowering residents of Rainier Beach
Rainier Beach Action Coalition mission is to:
- Implement the Rainier Beach Neighborhood Plan (1997, 2014) and build a connected, sustainable and equitable community within the Rainier Beach neighborhood.
- Promote the “made in Rainier Beach”, quality education, living wage jobs, affordable transportation and housing for all.
- Promote a safe place where people thrive, a neighborhood the world calls home.
- Build neighborhood capacity to enhance quality of life in Rainier Beach as well as to address critical issues threatening the welfare of Rainier Beach residents.
Management Structure:
Day to day operations are led and managed by a team of strategists – Jerrell Davis (Transformation), David Sauvion (Food Justice) and Gregory Davis (overall management). RBAC has an intergenerational work force where 60% of its workers are under the age of 25 years old. 40% of the workforce are Black men. Staff and contractors coordinate signature events, neighborhood development programs, online assets and youth and adult civic engagement activities.
RBAC is governed by a Board of Directors. Each Board member lends their influence to RBAC via their public service activity. They also step in to support strategic relationships, advise on strategy and grant proposals.
Bylaws direct the Board to meet 4 times per year where committees report out on financials, program development and personnel issues. Board members are Guyanthony Parramore, Monika Matthews, Cliff Cawthon, Rebecca Saldana, Steve Bury, Marijune Doniego and Gregory Davis all who reside in Seattle’s Rainier Valley.
Signature Events and Program Activities by action action area are:
A Place for Everyone
-Priority Hire (Targeted Local Hire), since 2013
-Team Land for Community (community based participatory research project focus on solutions to disaster gentrification), since 2020
Life Long Learning
-RainierBeach Back2School Bash, since 2003
-Rainier Beach Town Hall Meetings, since 2003
-The Beach Fives (a young adult transition to adulthood leadership development – they focus on building capacity within RBAC through their talent, skills and aspirations), since 2018
A Beautiful Safe Place
-Corner Greeters (youth and neighborhood engagement a part of Rainier Beach A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth), since 2013
-FreedomNet (citizen journalist training using social media to change the narrative of Rainier Beach from the inside out), since 2010
-Rainier Beach Restorative Justice Project (circle keeper training and delivery), since 2017
-Rainier Beach United (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports), since 2018
YATTA Rising (a skill building and system change project for young adults transitioning to adulthood), since 2019
Growing Healthy Food to Develop Healthy Industry
-Food Innovation District, since 2013
-Food Innovation Center, since 2016
-Rainier Beach Farm Stand, since 2018
-Beach Fresh (developing skills in food preparation and waste reduction), since 2019