NEWS FLASH: Do you know of an organization or group (including your own) that has been involved in Economic Development in Rainier Beach? Help us update our information on the progress and challenges related to these priorities over the past year. Information you provide will help inform the next Town Hall Meeting in January, where we will set priorities for 2010. Just enter your observations as a comment at the end of this page. Thanks!

See most recent updates here.

Overall Goal – RB Coalition supports RB residents in the revitalization of our business community and builds self-sufficiency by educating residents and business owners about worker supports. In addition, RB Coalition builds on traditional anti-poverty programs by helping low-income families achieve greater economic security and stability through asset development programs and services.

2009 and Beyond – Priorities identified at 2009 Town Hall Meeting

To help monitor and track throughout the year click here and enter any activity in Rainier Beach that is responses to these priorities

  1. Make Rainier Beach an empowerment zone via the experience of Sage, LELO, and CADA
  2. Cleanliness/Beautification via pride in neighborhood (specifically garbage cans)
  3. Capitalize on existing and emerging transportation projects i.e., Link Light Rail, Metro Buses and streetscapes
  4. Activate the parking lots at Saar’s/Rainier Beach High School
  5. Sustain local businesses – provide jobs to local residents
  6. Co-op that is local and resident focused
  7. Engage in asset building activities for /through residents and youth
  8. Hire local contractors for development projects

Economic Development projects to keep our eyes and ears on

  • Henderson Street Project (City of Seattle)
  • Banner Project (SEED)
  • Impact Family Village 7720 Rainier (Urban Impact)
  • Rainier Beach Gateway – Sculptor Project, Signage etc (SEED)
  • Southeast Arts Council (SEED)
  • Rose Street Apartments (Housing Resource Group)
  • Rainier Beach 2014 Neighborhood Plan “Beach” Square: Commercial Core Revitalization –one of the three plan cornerstones (RB2014 Stewardship Group)
  • Douglass Arms Redevelopment (Seattle Housing Authority)
  • Neighborhood Plan Update (City Council, Dept of Neighborhoods)
  • Incentive Zoning (City Council)
  • Rainier Beach Merchants Association 2009 Goals (RBMA)
  • Rainier Beach Community Club (J. Marley)

Economic Development Partners
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