Business Improvement Services

For a small fee of ______ a month you can subscribe to these services from Rainier Beach Action Coalition

Litter Removal

Our team will come by twice a week to clean litter in your area.

Reporting issues to the City of Seattle

Our team will report issues to the City of Seattle on your behalf. Contact us for details.

Graffitti Paint-Out

Contact us and we’ll paint over it within a week. Gray and brown paint available, or you supply.

Clean Sidewalks

We’ll clean sidewalks outside of your business twice a week.

Local Promotion

Our team will distribute your communications materials at neighborhood information tables 3 times a week.

Safety Assesments

Safety assessment of your interior, exterior, and exterior at night; provide safety tips for employees; training on the principles of what creates a safe business space; and report with recommendations for how to improve and sustain the safety of the business.

Safety Consulting

Ongoing individualized safety training, consulting and support for businesses. Monthly and quarterly packages available.

Safety Training

Trainings and workshops for staff on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS), to create sustainable, safe positive spaces for employees and clients.

Priority Vending

RBAC will prioritize your business when services are needed.

Interested in joining the RBAC Advisory Council? Complete the survey here!