The Faces of Rainier Beach project will visually portray the rich diversity and character of Rainier Beach through a photographic montage of the people who live, work and learn in the neighborhood. A second part of the project will create a related montage of the distinctive places of the neighborhood, including street scenes, parks and green spaces, signage, banners, facilities, and public art installations.
Adults and youth will be invited to work individually and as teams to capture photographs, as insofar as possible, stories that convey the dreams and determination of Rainier Beach residents, service providers, business people, and students.
Specific products could include a poster and related promotional collateral for the Rainier Beach Community Empowerment Coalition Town Hall Meeting, although the collected photos and stories could also be available as a stock photo library and narrative collection for the use of other local organizations and associations.
If sufficient support develops, a mobile photo gallery could also be developed for display at key events and exhibition sites.
If you interested in helping shape and/or participate in this project, email or call (206) 755-9578.