How INDIVIDUALS can participate:
- Register as a campaign sponsor to receive updates, reports and volunteer opportunities. Use this form to register and indicate your specific interests.
- Share photos and/or stories about your dreams and determination for the Rainier Beach Neighborhood (that is, answer the questions: What I want to see happen in Rainier Beach and What I will do to help it happen); see the Faces of Rainier Project.
- Show up at meetings and events related to the things you care about, including public hearings, PTSA meetings, neighborhood gatherings. See the Coalition Annual Town Hall meeting.
- Speak out about the things that concern you as well as the things that give you hope through public meetings, writing or commenting on blog articles, letters to the editor or public officials. See calendar of events on the Coalition Web site as well as Rainier Valley Post and the City of Seattle
- Volunteer as a mentor, tutor, or in any other way that applies your skills and experience to strengthen the community. Watch for Volunteer opportunities on the Coalition Web site.
- Join the information stewards/citizen journalists team to help create an online information and exchange commons to improve the timely flow of information and to strengthen the voice of the underserved. See the Rainier Beach Coalition 2.0 (RBC2.0) project.
- Attend training on how to use new technologies to strengthen the voices of the neighborhood in planning and activities that impact the quality of life in the community. Watch for a schedule of training to be offered in 2011.
- Invite others to work with you in any of the above items, especially those who are most often forgotten, left out, or neglected.
How ORGANIZATIONS can participate:
- Register as a campaign sponsor to receive updates, reports and volunteer opportunities. Use this form to register and indicate your specific interests.
- Include links to related organizations and resources on your Web site or blog to highlight the strong and growing network of care across Rainier Beach
- Use the campaign logo on your Web site or blog as well as in materials that promote civic engagement
- Designate representatives to attend the meetings or events of other related organizations to strengthen opportunities for cross-promotion and mutual support. See Coalition Action Team meetings.
- Learn and apply methods for integrating the use of online tools into community action and planning efforts. Watch for calendar of training events in 2011.
- Encourage participation of individual members and constituents in activities listed in “How Individuals can participate.”
- Provide opportunities for public comment and discussion on your Web site or blog to highlight the voices of the community in issues and solutions that impact neighborhood quality of life
- Share and celebrate victories and learnings, both large and small, to enrich the collective wisdom of the community through public reports, announcements, and events as well as through videos, photos and stories on your Web site or blog.
For more information, email or call (206) 755-9578.