RBCEC has six (6) categories of members. Membership in RBCEC is open to Rainier Beach residents, individuals representing organizations / programs / services serving the Rainier Beach neighborhood, Rainier Beach businesses, and “Friends of Rainier Beach” who desire to support its revitalization efforts. One becomes a member by completing a membership application form and actively participating in RBCEC signature events, Members shall also consist of all persons and corporations who shall contribute the annual membership fee determined for a particular year by the corporation’s Board of Directors. All membership fees and qualifications shall be determined by the Board of Directors on an annual basis there is presently no fee for membership.. Membership categories include:
- Residents – individuals living in the Rainier Beach Community
- Youth – individuals under the age of 18 living in the Rainier Beach neighborhood
- Non profits agencies and organizations (non-501(c)(3) groups and organizations) serving the Rainier Beach neighborhood
- Churches, faith based organizations and 501(c)(3) agencies serving the Rainier Beach neighborhood
- Businesses located in or serving the Rainier Beach neighborhood
- Friends of Rainier Beach – individuals living outside the Rainier Beach neighborhood but desiring to support RBCEC efforts. The current number of members is 85 individuals in addition to 5 public schools, 15 community based organizations, and 5 businesses. Over 1,200 people a year attend our two signature events.
How to Become a Member
The benefits of becoming a member include, but are not limited to:
Benefits to Individuals
- Meet neighbors and build lasting relationships
- Get support for developing and implementing your ideas to improve our community
- Network and establish community partnerships
- Educational opportunities
- Organize and participate in community building activities
Benefits to Organizations
- Network with other organizations
- Receive technical assistance and capacity building opportunities
- RB Coalition stands ready to facilitate the development and implementation of programs to enhance revitalization efforts
- Collaborating to attract resources
- Leveraging existing resources
- Provides fiscal agent services
To become a member:
Send an email to rainierbeachneighborhood@hotmail.com and state which of the above benefits you are most interested in.