Be’er Sheva Park Project Coordinator Job Description

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The Rainier Beach Link2Lake Open Space Steering Committee (L2LSC), a collaboration between the Rainier Beach community and the Seattle Parks Foundation, is looking for a Project Coordinator to shepherd the community design process for improvements to Be’er Sheva Park in the Rainier Beach neighborhood.

Project Background & Overview: In 2016, stakeholders from several community organizations in the Rainier Beach neighborhood began discussions about an improved connection between the Rainier Beach Light Rail station and Lake Washington, a.k.a. Link2Lake. Be’er Sheva Park, adjacent to the lake, is the first project of the broader Link2Lake effort. With the support of the Seattle Parks Foundation, the group applied and was awarded a Neighborhood Matching Fund award in July 2017 to lead a community-initiated design process for improvements to Be’er Sheva Park.

Taking place between Oct 2017 and May 2018, this project will support a landscape designer to incorporate feedback and ideas from community into a park design that is feasible and ready to implement. In addition to surveys and smaller group discussions, there will be three large public meetings to gather community feedback on park design. Widespread community involvement and agency coordination will be critical to the success of this project.

Project Coordinator (PC) Role: The PC will serve as the primary point of contact for the L2LSC and coordinate the teams involved in the project: 1) L2LSC, 2) Landscape Architect for design and planning 3) subcontracts for community outreach, facilitation, translation and childcare, 4) Public agency and community stakeholders involved in project. Essentially, the PC is the glue in this project, keeping everyone and everything on track.

We anticipate the contract to require 6 hours/week over the course of 5 ½ months. This would allow for roughly four months for the planning process itself and roughly one and a half months total for the preparation and follow up (production of the final Be’er Sheva Park Design). There will be some variation in weekly effort corresponding to peak periods in project phases.

Project Timeline:

OCT 2017
 Preliminary stakeholder engagement
 Administration of subcontracts (Outreach, Meeting Facilitation, Translation, Childcare)
 Initial public outreach & planning

NOV 2017 – FEB 2018
 Coordination of public outreach and community facilitation meetings (including several small group and two large group meetings). Large group meetings will be conducted by a community facilitator.
 Coordination of final community meeting to approve draft framework

MAR 2018
 Coordination with and oversight of landscape architect for production of Be’er Sheva Park Redesign (final coordination will be completed by the L2LSC)
Job Responsibilities:
⊷ Manage all aspects of the project coordination from inception to production, including providing project updates, statuses and results
⊷ Convene regular check-ins with project partners, including L2LSC, designer, facilitator to ensure all parties are on track
⊷ Work with the L2LSC regularly to respond to communication requests
⊷ Identify and implement strategies for proactive outreach and stakeholder management
⊷ Act as a professional resource for the project’s operations such as grant management, serving as a liaison between the SC, contractors and the Seattle Parks Foundation
⊷ Track and compile all correspondence, meeting minutes and supporting project documents

⊷ Excellent oral and written communication skills
⊷ Demonstrated experience communicating and working with diverse populations and interest groups
⊷ Strong project management skills, including contract and budget management
⊷ Track record of developing strong relationships with various stakeholder groups
⊷ Ability to identify and implement strategies for proactive outreach and stakeholder management

Desired Qualifications:
⊷ Five or more years of experience in community organization, project management, public outreach and engagement
⊷ Demonstrated experience and skill working successfully in a politically sensitive environment
⊷ Experience working on green infrastructure projects
⊷ Comprehensive understanding of the Rainier Beach community
⊷ High-level of proficiency with social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
⊷ Ability to work independently while managing multiple tasks and projects

This opportunity is perfect for someone who is passionate about developing and implementing open space in neighborhoods, engaging community stakeholders and businesses about environmental issues, improving quality of life and access to green space for historically underrepresented communities, and leading outreach efforts around projects or issues.

The Team: The PC role will be supported by the L2LSC, a team of community volunteers that represent various community organizations and interests in the Rainier Beach community:
⊷ L2LSC Chair (Sally Li)
⊷ Co-Chair/Alternate Secretary (Patrice Thomas)
⊷ Secretary (Ron Angeles)
⊷ Finance & Grant Administration (Liz Kennedy)
⊷ Outreach & Communications (Jenny Frankl)

Compensation: $7,500 (paid in five monthly installments following a monthly report and invoice) and up to $300 in personal mileage and parking reimbursements. Supplies and materials are to be pre-approved by and reimbursed through the chair or designee of the Steering Committee.