Want to make your space safer? We can help! RBAC is now scheduling FREE site visits in the neighborhood.

Our goal is simple. At the end of the day, we’re just trying to bring people together and equip them to make Rainier Beach a safer neighborhood. 

Here’s what we’ll do for you: We’ll walk through your organization, share some of the principles of creating safe, positive environments with your team, and connect you with people and resources in the neighborhood that can help you create safe, positive spaces. By the end of our time, you’ll be better equipped to cultivate life-giving environments that build people up!

Here’s some of the questions we might consider together while we visit your organization: How does this space tell you what you’re supposed to do here? What’s the reputation of this place, and what’s it saying about what’s OK and not OK to do here? Are there procedures, routines, and expectations teaching people how to use a space appropriately? These questions tap into the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), which are evidence-based strategies for improving behavioral outcomes, public safety, and mental health while preventing challenges such as vandalism and graffiti. Studies have even shown that organizations can save thousands of dollars implementing these principles!

You can join our work in the community creating a beautiful safe place for youth!

There’s a simple three-step process if you’d like to partner with us in this way:

  1. Schedule a FREE site visit. Email danielle@rbcoalition.org to schedule a site visit where you’ll receive customized recommendations for improving neighborhood safety and encouraging positive social norms.
  2. Follow Up Appointment: Be trained in the principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and Positive Behavioral Supports, and get connected with partners in the neighborhood who can help.
  3. Create Safe, Positive Spaces: Transform your organization and the community into a life-giving environment that encourages safe, respectful and responsible behavior.


We are now scheduling site visits for the fall quarter. Sign up today!