Central District Support Group for Foster, Adoptive, & Relative Caregivers is inviting foster parents for a presentation on “Foster Care and Your Taxes.”
Date: Saturday, Feb. 20th, 2010
Time: 10:30 AM—12:00 PM
Location: Douglass Truth Library (2300 E. Yesler)
- What types of foster care payments are taxable?
- Can you take a foster child as a dependent?
- Are there tax deductions available to foster parents?
Join us as we explore the wonderful world of taxes and foster care with Christin Kundert, a specialist in foster care tax issues and contributor to the “Federal Tax Benefits Guide for Foster, Adoptive Parents and Kinship Providers”
and Kathy Suits of Summit Capital Advisors
Childcare this month will be provided off-site at:
First Step Child Care Learning Center—6516 46th Ave. S.
Please RSVP to Denise Mathis 206-755-7066
For more information see the CD Foster Family Support Group Flyer and/or contact:
A. Lalonai Pitts-Long 425-462-1043 angikin@aol.com