The next RB Coalition meeting is November 19, 2009, 6:30 Rainier Beach Family Center – 8825 Rainier Avenue South (parking available in Bank of America lot across street)
Topic – Environmental Justice in Rainier Beach…are we getting it?, Town Hall Meeting Preview Meal provided by the Rainier Beach Family Center operated by Atlantic Street Center
At the meeting we will:
- Talk about the environment oriented issues we face in Rainier Beach from air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, food pollution, people pollution etc
- Create ideas to insure neighborhood involvement in environmental issues in Rainier Beach
- Demonstrate civic engagement principals that make our meetings more efficient and productive.
September ATM Notes
Organizations providing services in our local schools were invited to attend the September ATM meeting. Over 20 different organizations attended. The RB Coalition is interested in galvanizing these organizations to support student’s success in our neighborhood schools. The RB Coalition is also interested in letting these organizations know that the neighborhood is interested in and wants to support what they are doing on behalf of our students.
Below is a list of best practices and possibilities those in attendance developed A flyer will be distributed to all organizations providing services in our neighborhood schools (Rainier Beach High School, South Lake High School, South Shore School, Dunlap, Seattle Urban Academy and Aki Kurose)
Here are some samples:
Possibilities for getting families involved in schools
- Conduct community focus groups to decide what services are needed and how they can be best implemented
- Access grants to bring people who represent positive influences into the schools
- PSTA work with parents – be the vehicle to give parents a voice in order to decide what services are directed
toward their children
Possibilities for a collective goal all the community organizations operating in neighborhood schools to embrace
- Equip students will all tools for life success – not just GPA
- Identify ways to get students engaged and interested in classes
- Mentoring/role modeling/social skills
Possibilities community organizations that operate in schools can undertake to support graduation rates
- Increase # of career specialist and counselors
- Engage participants in community service activities that allow for earning of credits needed for graduation
Signature Event Notice
The 2010 Rainier Beach Town Hall Meeting is under 90 days away. The RB Town Hall Meeting sets priorities for the neighborhood in six focus areas: Public Safety, Transportation, Economic Development, Education, Environment, and Youth/Families/Young Adults. Share what you know is going on in these areas in Rainier Beach and send the information to or go to the new and improved website and sign to volunteer. We need people to serve on the planning team.
Rainier Beach Action Area Alerts
Youth/Families/Young Adults: Thank Goodness it’s Friday (Inside the Rainier Beach Community Center), 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. November 20th and December 18th
Education: The Superintendent of Seattle Public Schools will be in Rainier Beach at the Rainier Beach Community Center, 6:30pm on November 10th.
Environment: Upcoming RB Coalition Action Team Meeting, November 19th will discussion Environmental Justice in Rainier Beach. 6:30, Rainier Beach Family Center operated by Atlantic Street Center. Meal served.
Economic Development: Seattle Neighborhood Group offers a workshop for landlords, property managers, and real estate managers! The training is 8 hours, and costs $25, which includes a comprehensive Landlord Manual 3515 S. Alaska on November 17th. Check-in begins at 8:00. You must register before Nov. 17!
Register online at:
Transportation: Reduced Metro bus has been underway for a few weeks. What are your experiences? Go to and let us know.
Public Safety: Darrell Green our beloved friend and long time employee of Street Outreach Services (SOS) past away Friday October 30th.Please remember his commitment in fighting for social justice, his jokes, and his work with Clean Dreams our pre-booking diversion program now operating as Communities Uniting Rainier Beach (CURB) operated by POCAAN. He will be greatly missed…………………
Community Event:
Odunde Festival “An African Harvest Celebration for Families” Friday – Sunday, November 6, 7 Presented by ADEFUA and SEEDArts Rainier Valley Cultural Center, 3515 S. Alaska St, Seattle November 8 Odunde will be at the Northwest African American Museum.
Upcoming RB Coalition Action Team Meetings (ATM)
- December 17 – Youth/Family/Young Adults, RBTHM Planning
- January 22 , 2010 – Economic Development, RBTHM Planning
- January 29, 2010 – 8th Annual Rainier Beach Town Hall Meeting
See you on November 19 and tell your friends!