Cly with flowers (harvested from the RBAC garden, of course!) ready to give to Ari of Kamayan Farm & Emma of Rising Sign Farm!
For most farmers, making it to September and the beginning of fall is a significant milestone. It’s like finally seeing the finish line in a marathon. But…it’s a mirage. There is still SO much to do! From harvesting corn and winter squash to planting next year’s garlic and eventually cleaning up for the winter…the to-do list is endless.
As we experience the last days of summer, it’s easy to be hard on ourselves. Maybe it feels like you didn’t do enough. Maybe grief kept you from doing what you planned to do. Perhaps you weren’t able to harvest what you sowed.
Although it’s hard to remember & fully embody, know that your worth is not tied to how much you produce. You are divine & loved as you are.
I hope you can ground yourself in this truth as the season changes.
Farmer Support Lead