This is an important meeting for demonstrating community support for the programs and scheduling of activities at neighborhood community centers!
In a World Café format, you will have the opportunity to:
- Talk with Parks and Recreation staff and neighbors about your ideas to build community relationships
- Help Parks and Recreation identify programs and services that are relevant for the people in your community
- Work with Parks and Recreation to identify potential operating hours for your community center in 2012
- Share your voice and personal vision/ideas with others
Explore community priorities:
- Operating hours vs. program hours
- What should we keep doing?
- What should we stop doing?
- What can you do?
- Event: SE Region Advisory Council Community Nights
- Dates/Times:
- Tuesday, Nov. 8, 6:30 pm – Rainier Beach at Rainier Community Center
- Wednesday, Nov. 9, 6:30 pm – Van Asselt Community Center
- Child care provided (You will need to complete a registration form before leaving your child. Children must be potty trained.)
- Light snacks provided.
Can’t attend this meeting?
- More opportunities will follow for additional input. If you like, please send your comments to Daisy Catague (