Help build the community playground between the Rainier Vista Boys & Girls Club and SHA housing Development (community services hours available!)
- Event: Community Playground Build Day
- Date: Thursday, August 12, 2010
- Time: 8:00am-2:30pm
- FREE breakfast, lunch, snacks, and drinks!
- No Experience Necessary! Limited Spaces Available!
Help get the word out by printing and distributing the event flyer:
Build Day Flyer
We are looking for:
- Build Day Volunteers – Over the course of the day (August 12th) we will build an entire playground and side projects for the community. We need 75 volunteers and have a job for ever skill and ability (volunteers must be 18 or older).
Please help by bringing:
- youth you work with
- your own child (bonding moment you and your child),
- your staff (team building),
- your congregation (community services),
- your organization/business (Giving back to the community),
- yourself (do good opportunity) and/or
- whoever else you can find
If you or someone you know are interested in volunteering or helping in anyway – please contact Amy Bresslour at 206.436.1821 or