On September 28-30, the 2016 Assets Learning Conference (ALC) will convene over 1,300 stakeholders to explore cutting-edge strategies to promote assets and close the opportunity gap. A key feature of the ALC will be a Research Forum designed to highlight evidence of promising solutions, identify gaps between challenges and solutions, and spark dialogue between researchers and policymakers, advocates and practitioners.
We invite you to submit research papers for the ALC. Selected papers will either be featured in the Research Forum or in concurrent sessions throughout the conference. We welcome empirical, applied evaluation and policy research papers broadly related to asset building, wealth inequality, financial inclusion, coaching and capability, financial well-being, household and consumer finances and economic mobility issues. We are especially interested in papers in two priority areas:
- What are key financial challenges or decisions facing communities? Research that identifies or furthers our understanding of the financial challenges, needs, behaviors and preferences of households and communities, particularly low-income and communities of color.
- What works, for whom and in what circumstances? Research that provides evidence of promising solutions — programmatic, policy or products — to these key financial challenges and needs or that show promise in building financial capability or financial well-being and its key drivers
For more information, including specific topic areas of interest, see the full call for research. If you would like your research to be considered for inclusion in the ALC, please submit a detailed abstract (1,000 words) for consideration toresearch@cfed.org by March 31, 2016. Authors of papers accepted for the conference will be notified by April 29, 2016 and will receive complimentary registration to the ALC. If you have any questions, please contact me at kwiedrich@cfed.org.