Ethiopian Community in Seattle’s Ekub Program, which is currently enrolling students for the Winter Cohort (December 4th – February 26th).

The Ekub program is a pilot program supported by the United Way of King County, and uses an indigenous banking technique used commonly in Ethiopia and many parts of the world. In Ethiopia, it is commonly referred to as an “Ekub”, which in English is a Rotating Savings and Credit Association (ROSCA). This is where a pot of funds is collected by a group of people who each contribute the same amount and then one person every meeting is selected at random to receive the pot.

For 11 weeks, participants gather for two hours and learn about different resources available through social service providers and the government. Our Fall Cohort of 10 students, featured a health and wellness class led by the Meredith Mathews YMCA, a budgeting class led by WSECU, resume workshop by Goodwill and much more. We hope you can help spread the word by sharing the attached flyer among your networks. This program is targeted for folks in the Ethiopian/East African community. In addition to dinner and some travel stipends, participants get a $300 check upon completion of the course!

Participation requirements include:

  • Willing to work/actively seeking employment
  • Level 2 English capability
  • Ability to work a variety of jobs
  • A fun attitude!!!

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