“On behalf of the SE Network Youth Action Team, I would like to invite you ALL to our Youth Forum Against Violence. Since the beginning of this year there have been a number of violent incidents that have taken place in our community. Although several forums have taken place to discuss this issue, we do not feel there has been a significant presence of youth voices and/or perspectives at these forums to talk about the impact of violence on us and what we can do to be a part of the solution.
In response to the growing violence in our community we felt it was necessary to host a forum and invite our peers, family, friends and community to
Please join us on as our SE Network YOUTH ACTION TEAM Hosts…
What: “Our Voice Matters” Youth Forum Against Violence
When: Thursday, June 26, 2014 @ 5-7pm
Where: @ the Smilow Rainier Vista Boys and Girls Club (4520 Martin Luther King Jr. Way S)
We really hope to see you ALL in attendance as we gather youth from around the city to be able to voice their concerns and share their perspectives on the wave of violence currently washes over our city.”
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Marty Jackson at 206.436.1898 or mpatu@positiveplace.org
Visit us online at: www.seattle.gov/mayor/issues/youthInitiative
www.rainiervistabgc.org or www.positiveplace.org