Hello! It’s Hani Ahmed again, and I’m back with another Wellness Core class. In this class, I wanted to impress upon young people the importance of internet safety and how to conduct business on the internet. I also tied it in with my previous business class by showing how, in this digital age, and especially during the pandemic, that doing business online can help.

For my first class, I started by having a reflection on my last class. This was to refresh both the people who attended it and new folks joining for the first time. We also discussed our relationship with our phones; how we used it and for how long. We then transition to talking about some of the ways we protect ourselves don’t the internet. Those included; 2-step verification and going private on social media apps. We compared this to a list of safety tips I found on the internet. 

For resources, we read an article together on social media and mental health. This gave them a chance to reflect on their own experiences with using social media and assessing how it made them feel after use. To spice things up we watched an entertaining video called ‘Social Media is ruining our lives’ which shows how our phones are made to keep us addicted. I closed out by giving them an experiment. It’s called the Social Media test: where you rate how your feeling 0-10 after using a social media app. 

The following week I followed a similar format by starting off with a reflection of the prior week’s class and seeing the results of the Social Media test. For the majority of the class, we watched the Netflix documentary ‘The Social Dilemma’. It is a documentary showcasing a number of tech experts explaining the dangerous nature of applications and how it impacts social networking. We closed out the class answering some discussion questions pertaining to ‘The Social Dilemma’. 

For my last and final class of this curriculum, we discussed the dangers of using the internet. Specifically, hackers and scammers. We read articles and watched some videos on types of hackers and the different ways they can scam unsuspecting people out of their money. Lastly, we closed out the class with a fun Kahoot game going over some of the terms we discussed in the class.