A Personal Statement College Essay Marathon sponsored by 826 Seattle will be held this weekend at Rainier Beach High School. That’s right, on Saturday, November 13 and Sunday, November 14 from 1:00 to 6:00 p.m., college bound students can go to the Rainier Beach High School library/computer lab and receive assistance writing and/or revising their college essays from a whole bunch of volunteer tutors who want to do nothing more on a weekend than to help young folks write their way into college. And it won’t cost those students a dime either.

Consider the words of another senior from Roosevelt High School, “Thank you so much for your assistance today. I went from having nothing but ideas to a pretty coherent outline to my essay. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

826 Seattle has access to amazing tutors, but you have access to the students who need them. Let them know that this is for real and it is free. College application deadlines loom large. Let’s help them get it done.


  • Event: Personal Statement College Essay Marathon
  • Date: Saturday and Sunday, November 13 and 14, 2010
  • Time: 1:00 to 6:00 pm
  • Location: Rainier Beach High School

For more information:

Contact Kathleen Goldfarb, Programming Coordinator, 826 Seattle at (206) 725-2625 or kathleen@826seattle.org