We have from time to time provided information about the Priority Hire ordinance and its impact by reviewing the numbers. We have attempted to translate an industry’s way of reporting so that the person on the street could understand, as the construction industry counts hours, not jobs. We decided thus time to let you see it like they tell it. You will notice the construction industry tracks hours by trade. The community tracks jobs. Did I say that already? If in your reply to this post you ask “why did we present it this way or why could we not provide something easier to read?”, our reply could be yes, but we preferred this time to give to you in primary source form. We will provide a guide though, focus in on the Priority Hire Zip Codes, Women and People of Color columns, particularly the column that says performance. Also pay attention to the red percentage numbers, red is a key for projects not meeting the required performance, black is the key for projects meeting or exceeding performance. Remember our guy Eddie Grinnell, Community Promoter is available to support you if you are interested in the construction trade or know someone who is. He can be reached at 206.914.1762, eddie@rbactioncoalition.org. You are also encouraged to go to www.seattle.gov/priorityhire to get more information.