Preface: Dear Neighbors and Neighborhood Friends! You may have already seen our statement of liberation if you follow us on social media. It is imperative for everyone in our community to have access to it, so we’re sharing it here as well. Thank you for taking the time to read, and we look forward to seeing you in the neighborhood!

Dear Rainier Beach Neighbors and Friends,

We come to you with an overdue yet necessary statement informed by RBAC staff members, which are majority young people who understand precisely how current world events impact our work locally in the neighborhood.

The ongoing Israeli apartheid state and colonization of indigenous Palestinian land and way of life have led to the tragic event and lives lost on October 7, 2023. For the past eleven months, the world has witnessed indiscriminate military assault and genocide on civilians, women, and children with the sign-off of the United States government. Hospitals, universities, and entire neighborhoods have been reduced to rubble from the constant bombings. The people of Gaza are experiencing displacement, famine, disease, torture, and execution at a rate unprecedented to humanity as we know it at the hands of the Israeli Defense Forces and those who are enabling their crimes. It was just this July that the International Court of Justice ruled the state of Israel as an illegal occupant of Palestinian lands.

Here at RBAC, our work is led by us, for us, and on the shoulders of those who have come before. Throughout history, youth have always been on the frontlines of justice, passing on the torch and its fire to continue the fight for liberation across generations. On June 12th, 2024, RBAC Circle Keepers held a Circle titled: From the River to the Beach. Many of our Youth and Neighborhood Engagement Workers and other RBAC leads were in attendance. This circle was a space for us to hear from our youth and engage with them as they navigated a world that would enable a genocide like this to happen. It was a step in educating ourselves, holding space, and taking agency in action. Here are some of the takeaways and quotes from the circle:

  • “If I eat food, I think of the people in Palestine because they can’t eat food.”
  • “Confused, there’s enough resources for everyone.”
  • “This happened in October 2023. The college students’ encampments did not happen until May 2024. Our youth have paved the way first!”

Here at the Rainier Beach Action Coalition, we believe in our Theory of Change (ToC): a framework used to plan, implement, and evaluate social change initiatives. It outlines the steps and processes needed to achieve long-term goals. Our ToC involves Comprehensive Community-wide Initiatives. This entails what collective, holistic, and tangible approaches we can take to liberate ourselves and our siblings.

What’s tangible? First, educate yourself. Our youth have taken their time and energy to learn about the genocide and the oppression of the Global South. May their lights be our path to enlightening and further educating ourselves. We also have added resources such as films, articles, Instagram accounts to follow, and media archives. This is a great starting place to learn more about the genocide, and the Palestinian people! Second, give back to the Southend, give back to 98118. Our leaders, resisters, and abolitionists are your neighbors. Help them so we all can end the oppression. Lastly, liberation is a mirror, just like love; it reflects. When we honor liberation in Palestine, we honor liberation in Congo, Sudan, Somalia, the Philippines, the 98118, the Southend, and everywhere else. To liberate one is to liberate all.

With steadfastness,

Rainier Beach Action Coalition





Documentaries and Films to Watch on Palestine


Documentaries and Films to Watch on Congo


Sudan has been at War for 200+ Days












Articles to Read:


Hala Alyan: Why must Palestinians audition for your empathy?


Summary of the ICJ Advisory Opinion




The Palestinian Museum Digital Archive