Keep an eye out for new yard signs. Shout out to local artists Ari Glass, Rome Esmaili, and Willie McIntyre, who created the artwork for these.


These “Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible” yard signs are part of a yearly campaign to promote positive social norms in our community. 


In Rainier Beach, safety, respect, and responsibility are ‘the norm’. These are the values that the majority of our neighborhood lives by. How do we know? Because we asked! In 2017 at the Back2School Bash, we asked the neighborhood to vote on which values were most important, and safety, respect, and responsibility were the clear winners. Think about it. We’re safe – we look out for each other. We show respect – we value our elders, our young people, our neighbors from around the world, those who cared for the land before us, and those whose shoulders we stand upon, regardless of where they’re from, how they identify, or to whom they pray. And we’re responsible – we take pride in our neighborhood and are taking responsibility for its health and wellness. The new yard signs state what we’re already about. 


These signs also play a role in correcting misperceptions and changing behavior in Rainier Beach. You’ve probably heard the tired refrain that no one cares about the neighborhood. We know that is not true. In fact, this year we’ve interviewed over 250 Rainier Beach residents, and 88% agree that people and groups are working hard to make the neighborhood a safe space! By communicating that safety, respect, and responsibility are the norm, these signs refute the negative perceptions about the neighborhood, and also make negative behavior less socially acceptable; and this changes behavior for the better! 


All that aside, these signs are awesome and we’re proud to bring them to Rainier Beach. Would you like one? Just ask us!  We would love to pass one on to you! 


-Stewart Bowerman