If you have received communication from RBAC through our Four Branches Four Colors fundraising campaign, you would know that our administrative work is a part of the Life Long Learning branch. If you don’t, click this link to learn more about it. We have included a few highlights from the organization’s administrative functions that tend not to have as much fanfare as other direct service areas of the organization.
Technology: We are proud to say our tech coordinator is a Rainier Beach High School grad, class of 2019! Some work they have stewarded this past year is the installation of tech accouterments in the new Food Innovation Center Phase 1—four new display screens: the upper floor Growth Center (two screens) primarily will be used for large and small meetings, expanding our capacity for virtual meetings and presentations; the lower floor Food Hub (two screens) will primarily be used for food demonstrations/cooking classes and more.
Thanks to a hookup by the City of Seattle and its free internet project out of the Department of Information and Technology, high-speed internet was added to the building. A backup power/safety measures system for the lift has been installed.
Website: We’ve created new pages on our website, including a food hub and farmstand landing page that provides information and support for farmers who want to partner with us. A landing page for the Four Branches Four Colors fundraiser campaign.The RBAC annual report page was updated to include 2023 and soon to be 2024’s annual report. A sneak peek of the Seeds of Change documentary is now available for viewing. A ton of RBAC youth + staff content is available for you to read under the RBAC News tab.
What are we hoping for in 2025?
Creating a computer lab within the Growth Center that will be used by RBAC staff and community members looking for job development and resources. A fleshed-out video and audio recording studio. A dedicated virtual meeting camera system for the Food Innovation Center, and the installation of a camera system in the food hub’s demonstration kitchen for use in classes.
Exciting stuff, huh?
Sam Woldemariam