It’s time to take action.
The State Senate is about to embark on a “listening tour”, with a series of Transportation Forums around the state. If they can come to agreement, Governor Inslee is prepared to call a special session in November to pass a transportation package. It’s up to us to make sure that King County gets a local funding option for public transit this year – it’s pretty much our last chance to stop deep service cuts.
If you do just one thing this month for public transit, let it be this: be there in Bellevue next Tuesday evening, September 17, for the first of the State Senate’s Forums. There is no stop in Seattle (maybe they don’t really want to hear from us?), so this is our opportunity to speak out for public transit – and to call out the Majority Coalition Caucus (including Sen. Rodney Tom) on their anti-transit, anti-union, anti-environment, anti-worker agenda.
RSVP if you can be there on September 17.
Senate “Transportation Leadership Forum”
Tuesday, September 17,
Stevenson Elementary School
14220 NE 8th St., Bellevue 98007
* We will be rallying outside at 5:30 pm –
Take the 550, 545, or 268 from downtown Seattle,
then transfer to Rapid Ride B.