Call to action with transportation
We would like to hear your thoughts about the bus service King County Metro provides for you. For example, are the buses usually on time? Is it easy to get information about the bus services, is it convenient paying a fare? Are the buses clean, comfortable and well-driven?
We are interested in your replies whether you use the buses frequently, occasionally, or even if you hardly ever use the bus service.
There are 20 statements below, and we would like to know whether you agree or disagree with each of them. Just click the column that shows your reaction to each statement.
Fourteen world cities are conducting this survey at the same time, so that they can find out what their passengers think of the service they provide. These cities will compare the results of the surveys, so that they can learn from each other and work towards giving you an even better service.
Your personal details and responses will remain confidential and will not be used for any other purpose.
Thank you for completing our survey.