The Southend Seattle community blogging project is a grassroots community-based effort to celebrate the wide cultural and social diversity of residents and businesses within the region. The blog is segmented into categories by subject such as Culture, Family, Community, Business, and Health and Wellbeing. Each category may include several contributors from the community that use the platform to share knowledge, resources and experiences about which they are passionate.
Geographical boundaries of the area roughly include the region south of Interstate 90, east of South Park, north of Grady Way in Renton, and bordering Lake Washington to the east. Communities include Beacon Hill, Mount Baker, Genesee, Georgetown, Columbia City, Hillman City, Lakewood-Seward Park, Rainier Beach, Bryn Mawr- Skyway, Lakeridge, South Park, Allentown, and northern portions of Renton.
This heart of this area is 98118 – America’s most diverse ZIP code. Forty-three percent of this zip speaks a language other than English at home, according to the US Census. And approximately 60 languages are spoken. The site translates into many of them.
All bloggers are volunteers that want to share their expertise, passions and experiences with others in the Southend in an effort to build community and goodwill. We invite you to join in the community.