Rainier Beach Moving Forward (RBMF) and the Rainier Beach Community Empowerment Coalition (RBCEC) will host The Rainier Beach Town Hall Meeting on April 24th at South Shore PK-8, Rainier and Henderson, 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm.
One of the recent methods used (since 2004) to monitor and implement activity in Rainier Beach was the Rainier Beach Town Hall Meeting (RBTHM). On hiatus in 2011- 2013, the RBTHM has been one of the few venues in Rainier Beach that has welcomed all to come and share in lending a voice to what’s going on the neighborhood. Faithfully, as a result of the event, a document was published and distributed that lists priorities representing Rainier Beach residents and stakeholder interests.
With your help, we will re-establish the tradition of a RBTHM. We see it as an activity to renew and enhance our connection and move forward together with our shared priorities.