A young man who escaped southern Burma to spend years in a refugee camp in Nepal is completing his high school education in the U.S. and hopes to study computer engineering in college. A young woman whose family struggled with homelessness has resume entries that include a summer law firm internship and meeting with a legislative panel in Washington DC. A talented athlete with plans to study business chooses to take positive lessons from the challenges of childhood years spent in the foster care system. These students are among eleven Rainier Beach High School seniors who will receive a total of $24,000 in scholarships from RBHS Dollars for Scholars this year. All have inspiring stories and all have high hopes for the future. Scholarship recipients will be honored at the Rainier Beach High School Senior Breakfast on Friday June 10th at the high school.
Scholarship recipients are: Ahmed Adan, Taylor Anderson, Patricia Burgess, Michael Lu, Halimo Maie, Mya Yada Nawin, Priame Ndayishimiye, Jeff Perkins, Hari Pokhrel, Khina Poudyel, and Phi Tang
RBHS Dollars for Scholars was founded by Rainier Beach High School alumni in 2003, and is operated and funded by alumni, local community members and a network of supporters from all walks of life. It is a member chapter of Dollars for Scholars®, a program of Scholarship America®, and part of a nationwide network of grassroots community-based, volunteer-driven scholarship foundations.
Recipients of scholarships from RBHS Dollars for Scholars have a high success rate; in a recently completed survey, out of 24 recipients contacted, 3 had graduated and 19 were in school and working toward their degrees.
To learn more about RBHS Dollars for Scholars, make contributions toward future scholarships, or volunteer your time, please contact Eleanor Goodall at rbalumni@gmail.com or 206-409-5068.