As I reflect on the past few months and this fundraising season, I can’t help but to feel like my heart is full. I can certainly say that I was gifted with a family and that my “work place” isn’t work, but my home…and I know that the rest of the RBAC family feels that way.
The RBAC story (and history) was Divinely written for this neighborhood to flourish through the service of home grown leaders from the neighborhood. The story begins with passionate people who came together to steward Rainier Beach’s neighborhood plan, one of the few neighborhoods left in Seattle that is loyal and true to this. The story continues with passionate people, and will always be this way for the rest of time.
We move together for the wellness of people and their hearts and having RBAC written for me in my journey as I end the year of 2022, has made me realize that anything is possible when we move this way. The RBAC family all contributed to the year-end fundraiser. Everyone in this house played a role in helping us reach our goal without stress or pressure, at-least that’s what I intended as the Development Manager.
What was the strategy? Through pure intentions with the mission and vision in mind, igniting fire in our hearts, and connecting our friends and family members to our personal RBAC story. In other words, “Peer to Peer fundraising”. As Mr. Davis, RBAC’s Managing Strategist and co-founder, mentioned in an article from South Seattle Emerald City, “The new area is a focus on individual donors and reaching deeper into the neighborhood to secure donor support. Another nuance to that is we’re not limiting the contribution that an individual donor/resident would make to just money. We value volunteering as [a] meaningful [contribution] and we also value their willingness to share their assets, like social media, to help us build friends. That’s as valuable to us as someone contributing money,” said Davis.”
Just as we value those who contribute to RBAC, RBAC also is committed to showing how we value our staff members. In the midst of year-end fundraising season, and all of the other year-end activities that are happening, the Board invited us to a wellness dinner at the Rainier Beach Community Club, serving food and giving us the experience of a Sound bath (Shout out to ), and self care tips and items to take home with us, including yoga matts and skin care (Shout out to Queencare and business owner/board member Monica?). We all got to know each other, laugh along the way, and be taken care of by the board, each one of them taking the time to get to know each of us. This is the first time I’ve seen board members at an organization prioritize wellness for an organization like this.
My experience at RBAC has been more than just a growing opportunity for me, but also a healing journey full of love and care from everyone. The RBAC family will always be my family and yours. This is what I want to share with everyone as a short reflection. I ask that you consider RBAC during your year-end giving by supporting our family to empower and move the Rainier Beach neighborhood forward by becoming a Rainier Beach Sustainer. Give a monthly gift of $25, starting today.