Do you have an idea for a small-scale improvement in a park or street in your neighborhood?
Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks & Streets is an opportunity for community members to directly decide how to spend $2,000,000 of the City’s budget on small-scale physical improvement projects in Seattle’s parks & streets (i.e. crosswalks, medians, flashing beacons, sidewalk repair, curb ramps, park benches, trail improvements etc.). Each project must be under $90K.
Throughout the month of February, Your Voice, Your Choice will be collecting ideas! Click here to submit your project idea(s)!
In March, project development teams in each district will evaluate ideas received based on need/impact/feasibility and choose ten projects to advance to a community-wide vote in June. If you are interested in being on a project development team for your district, please sign up here.
Tell the City how to spend $2 Mil!
Throughout the month of February, Your Voice, Your Choice: Parks & Streets is collecting ideas for small-scale physical improvement projects in Seattle’s parks & streets (i.e. crosswalks, medians, flashing beacons, sidewalk repair, curb ramps, park benches, trail improvements etc.).
Got ideas? Let us know!
Want to facilitate an idea brainstorm with groups that you are connected with?
Discussion helps! Especially for folks who aren’t familiar with what all parks & streets projects entail. It can be helpful to talk about what folks need to get around better or feel safer in their neighborhoods to get their creative juices flowing.
Here are some Your Voice, Your Choice resources to help you lead this discussion:
In March, project development teams in each district will evaluate ideas received based on need/impact/equity and choose 8-10 projects to advance for a community-wide vote in June. If you are interested in being on a project development team for your district, please sign up here.