RBAC engagement workers – There has been a lot of energy around the RB Safeway parking lot these days. RBAC has dispatched its team of youth and neighborhood engagers– the Corner Greeters– to activate that space as a strategy to reduce the incidents that contribute to youth crime. Following is a brief summary of that activity thus far this year:
–8 events at the Rainier Beach Safeway parking lot have occurred, 1 at Rite Aid (Rainier Beach Square) parking lot and 1 at Chief Sealth Trail/Henderson St. At these events there is an information table, nutrition, surveying, beautification (litter pick up) and a healing space supported by trained young adult circle keepers.
–36 surveys have been collected where residents have been asked questions about safety, ideas for improving the neighborhood and whether or not they see change occurring in the Rainier Beach neighborhood. We will publish a result of these surveys once the number hits 50 surveys taken.
–67 posts to Twitter and the Corner Greeter Newz http://www.seseattlefreedomnet.org/ through our FreedomNet initiative. These posts capture positive activity occurring in the neighborhood as a way to change the narrative of Rainier Beach from the inside out.
Other RBAC engagement workers have joined the Corner Greeters such as the Clean Crew, and Beach Fivers, more on them next month.