Clean Crew
"to provide job readiness training to youth and young adults while also performing neighborhood beautification as a strategy for crime prevention through environmental design.."
We envision a Rainier Beach that is a beautiful, safe place for everyone, and where everyone is provided with the necessary training and skills for employment.
Program Description
The Clean Crew typically consists of 4-6 young adults and a supervisor who meet weekly to plan and execute neighborhood clean-up (‘beautification’) projects. The idea for this program came out of a desire to implement Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) strategies in the Rainier Beach neighborhood. The Crew relies on the support from both residents and local government entities to execute the overall neighborhood beautification effort by maintaining the safety and cleanliness of public and private areas.
How You Can Be Involved
- Volunteer with us!
- Donate to support our work
- Follow us on Social Media
- Use the Find-it Fix-it app to report graffiti, illegal dumping or other issues that require maintenance.
Dunk the junk challenge cleanup
Boy-Scouts & Ryan
Scouts collecting 26 bags of litter & debris
Principles of CPTED Video:
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Clean Crew Reports
Restorative Resolutions for Neighborhood Issues
In light of this past Friday’s (July 28) misguided and tragic use of firearms– and in...
Read MoreWhy Seattle Should Invest in Community-led Crime Prevention Programs
Why Seattle Should Invest in Community-led Crime Prevention Programs By: Stew Bowerman Trigger warning: Gun violence Note: This article discusses the cost of gun violence from an economic perspective. That doesn’t...
Read MoreBoy Scout Troop 008 Cleans up Mini Park at Cloverdale and Lake Washington Blvd
As part of the Clean Crews’ effort to improve and beautify the community, we recently reached out to the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 008 to conduct a community service project. The project was managed and supervised by Ryan...
Read MoreRestorative Resolutions
RBAC as an organization has been active in the Rainier Beach neighborhood in it’s present form since 2015, and the people who make up RBAC have been active in RB for many years beyond that. Needless to say, we’ve all seen...
Read MoreClean Crew Invites Participation in MLK Day Legacy of Service Event at Rose Street
The RBAC Clean Crew will be joining forces with The Mission Continues to do major clean up, space...
Read MoreClean Crew Learns about and Implements Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
In June and July the Clean Crew spent three days learning about crime prevention through...
Read MoreTreat it Like it’s Yours Cleanup Challenge 2021
After one incredibly successful month, the RBAC Clean Crew would like to give you a recap of the...
Read MoreTreat It Like It’s Yours Challenge
The Rainier Beach Clean Crew is a team of individuals with specialized skills (knowledgeable about crime prevention through environmental design CPTED) who are working in the South Seattle area to decrease the crime rate through...
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