In the late ‘90s, the City of Seattle engaged over 30,000 community members in creating a vision for the future of their neighborhood. These visions were called Neighborhood Plans. Now the City is in the process of updating many of the plans and beginning this summer, two neighborhoods will begin working on their updates: Rainier Beach and Broadview-Bitter Lake-Haller Lake.

Neighborhood Advisory Committee Description

The process for Neighborhood Plan Updates is committed to engaging community members using a variety of outreach and engagement strategies that support inclusion and meaningful participation. Ultimately, this is an opportunity for diverse community input to help shape the neighborhood plan updates. Seattle Department of Neighborhoods will specifically aim to engage underrepresented members of the community who do not normally participate, so that more voices can be heard.

To this end, the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods is establishing a local Neighborhood Advisory Committee (NAC) for each of the neighborhoods. Each Committee will consist of 12-15 members representing a broad and diverse range of community members, including socio-economically diverse residents, local business groups, and neighborhood organizations.

Description and Duties

The Committee is a workgroup that will initially meet monthly, less frequently thereafter, over a period of 18 months – through the adoption of the Neighborhood Plan Update. With the support of city staff, the Committee will advise the City on key elements of the plan update, such as select planning and design consultants, engage the wider community through targeted outreach, review community input, and create recommendations that balance community interests. The committee will guide the creation of an action plan for their neighborhood that will be reviewed on an annual basis.

Who Should Apply?

We are looking for candidates who are passionate about the well-being of their whole community and engaging them in this important process, are able to work well with a diverse group of people, and are willing to work collaboratively to find solutions that reflect the diverse opinions of all community members. They should live, work or spend significant time in the neighborhood and represent a range of community interests, i.e. homeowners, renters, business owners, property owners, non-profits and other key organizations within the community. Know someone who would be perfect? Recommendations are encouraged!

Selection Process

Interested individuals should turn in the attached form by Tuesday, June 8th. Applicants will be interviewed the week of June 14th and decisions will be announced June 21st. Orientation session will be on June 28th for Broadview-Bitter Lake-Haller Lake and June 29th for Rainier Beach neighborhood.

Help get the word out by printing and distributing the application flyer:

Here’s the Application Form.

For information here.