Signature events have been a staple of RBAC since its origin as Rainier Beach Community Empowerment Coalition (2004). We come by it honestly, when we surveyed Rainier Beach residents back then, including youth. We learned they felt disconnected from their community and school. Our response to the school issue was to organize service providers and hold a Back2School. Its intention was to inspire young people about their education and provide neighborhood-based resources to their families. The Town Hall was also a response to residents feeling disconnected to this community, its intention was to bring critical issues impacting the neighborhood to the attention of residents and learn how they wanted to address them.
This E-news is a tribute to the history of the Rainier Beach Back2School Bash. The folks in images that you see are the folk we strive to connect to the community and value their education. We believe we have done it, we want you to HELP US do it again.