REGISTER NOW for the February 4-6, 2010 New Partners for Smart Growth Conference in Seattle, WA. Visit for more details.

Attached is a new conference brochure that highlights the many sessions on the conference program that focus directly social equity, equitable development and environmental justice. Work is also proceeding with the US EPA on a pre-conference day-long workshop scheduled for Wednesday (2/3) that focuses on these issues as well.

In addition, several foundations have just recently confirmed their support for a Diversity Scholarship Fund.  The attached brochure also includes information on how to apply for a Diversity Scholarship. Leaders from minority and lower income communities, as well as representatives from groups that work primarily on equity and EJ issues qualify to have their registration fees waived, and travel stipends are available. The Bullitt Foundation had committed to pay the registration fee of up to 50 people in the Puget Sound Region!

Please circulate this information to any and all groups, agencies, and organizations that work primarily on equity and environmental justice issues.

Additionally, it is important that people find out about the scholarship fund ASAP!

Noelle Nichols
Local Government Commission
(916) 448-1198 x327,