+ Education Advocacy – Greetings from the Rainier Beach PTSA As a gentle reminder our first PTSA meeting of the year is scheduled for Tuesday, September 24th 6:00-7:30p in the cafeteria and everyone is welcome. Below are some of the things our PTSA has either spearheaded or had an active role in achieving. Rainier Beach PTSA has been instrumental in bringing programs and positive changes to RBHS! IB (International Baccalaureate, Microsoft/CISCO, Culinary Arts, $1 Million Funding for RBHS from USTI (Urban School Turnaround Initiative) , $1 Million Funding for Aki MS from USTI , 37th District Rep Eric Pettigrew Made the USTI Funding possible White House National Recognition for being a Champion of Change Stay informed: Like our Facebook page – RAINIERBEACHPTSA Need more information: Email US @ – rainierbeachptsa@gmail.com Visit our webpage http://rainierbeachhs.seattleschools.org (Under School Involvement) Call us @ – 206-605-8339 We look forward to meeting, hearing and working with EVERY PARENT, STUDENT & TEACHER. Rainier Beach PTS – Not Your Mother’s PTSA