+ Business/Jobs – Job Assistance Legislation – The Use of Criminal History in Employment Decisions Seattle City Council passes Job Assistance Legislation to increase public safety and improve access to jobs for people with criminal records. For many people coming out of prison, getting a job can be difficult. Up until now, broad screening practices of people with criminal backgrounds limited options. That will be changing soon. On Jun 10th the Seattle City Council unanimously passed the Job Assistance Legislation, an ordinance that regulates the use of criminal history in employment decisions. The ordinance prohibits employers from using criminal convictions as the basis for denying employment to qualified job applicants or employees unless there is a legitimate business reason to support an employer’s actions. It also prohibits employers from requiring applicants provide criminal history information until after an initial screening of applications or resumes to eliminate unqualified applicants. The ordinance goes into effect on November 1st.The law does not apply to jobs where the employee will or may have unsupervised access to children under sixteen years of age, developmentally disabled persons, or vulnerable adults. See the FAQ for more information.If you are an employer and would like technical assistance, or an applicant or employee who has a question about the new law, please call (206)684-4500 or email: ocr_criminalrecordsquestions@seattle.gov.