In the tradition of its legacy, the Rainier Beach Action Coalition in partnership with the Rainier Beach A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth is hosting a Rainier Beach Town Hall Meeting on Friday, December 17th from 6 pm – 8 pm Having conducted over 50 of these since 2003 town halls are a way for RBAC to give residents a voice in what is happening in the neighborhood. We are excited about the upcoming Rainier Beach Town Hall because we are acknowledging the work of many who need recognition for the contributions they have made to Rainier Beach. When you join us you by clicking on the following link
you will see the wonderful work of the Rainier Beach A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth Initiative, which has been operating in the Rainier Beach Neighborhood since 2010. You will also learn about the Rainier Beach Emergency Hub, led by Ron Angeles and here from the writers of a community policy brief called Disaster Gentrification,, that our very own Gregory Davis contributed to. Artist performances and an update on RBAC’s Food Innovation Center, will be provided by our very own David Sauvion. You are invited to join this year ending celebration, hosted by Chef Relaxito highlighting work in Rainier Beach that is making our lives better.