RBAC in community spaces. The Rainier Beach Action Coalition has been in the neighborhood in one form or another  since 2003. Here are some recent events that RBAC has attended and made our presence felt. A FreedomNet Community Newz (with a “z”) team went out to Farm Fest hosted by the Tilth Alliance and the Be’er Sheva Park Improvement event hosted by Link2Lake. Besides taking pictures, conducting interviews and capturing video the team also attend and enjoyed these events for themselves.  The Farm Fest was filled with great activities such as making herb crowns and touring the farm. There is a lot growing at the Rainier Beach Urban Farm and it deserves a visit from every Rainier Beach resident.

The Be’er Sheva Park Improvement Celebration was a way to get the community knowing about all the great changes that are going to happen in the next few years at the park.  There was music and food, and it was a nice day for the neighborhood to come together.

The Community Newz team got a chance to go on a canoe ride or maybe two. We played games volleyball and badminton with the other people who came out to support this event.

The RBAC Corner Greeters were also at the Othello Block Party. Aside from the great performances and vendors, it was an event that connects people to resources – people who are doing great things in the South Seattle area.  At the Rainier Beach Farm Stand this past Saturday, while the fellows were doing their thing, Corner Greeters conducted surveys. If you have any feedback about what should be happening in the neighborhood regarding food justice visit the Farm Stand,we would love to hear it!

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