After one incredibly successful month, the RBAC Clean Crew would like to give you a recap of the second annual ‘Treat it Like it’s Yours’ clean-up challenge. The goal of this challenge is to increase the number of youth and young adults involved in cleanup service projects around Rainier Beach. This year, we had five teams participate, and their projects included leaf raking, sidewalk sweeping, and brush trimming. The Clean Crew would like to personally thank each team that worked so hard to make Rainier Beach a more beautiful place to live and work!
This was the first year in which there was a cash prize of $500 for the top three winning teams with the best before & after. After much consideration and evaluation of the projects submitted, the following teams are declared the winners for 2021:
1. The Rainier Beach Cross Country Team. This team consisted of two adults and five members of the youth cross country team. This team took on the formidable challenge of raking the sidewalk at the entrance to Rainier Beach Community Center. The team spent nearly three hours busy raking leaves, shoveling and packing them into bags. The team collected 17 bags of leaves during their cleanup.
2.Chukundi Salsbury and Frats. This team was older and took on a most difficult spot– the Corner of Rainier and Henderson. The team took on a sidewalk clogged with leaves and debris and swept it clean, thereby making the surrounding area look clean and pristine and much safer to walk. The team cleared leaves for an entire block and did both sides of Rainier. In total, this group collected 15 bags of leaves.
3.Faima and her team. Pictures of this team was not available at the time the article was completed.
The Clean Crew wants to thank any and all who helped with this amazing event. We had a lot of fun and got some great work done. We already have ideas for making this an even better event next year. Thanks goes to Ryan, Jesiah, DeSean, Tyree, and King for their amazing work on outreach, posters, and helping with volunteers