Ken Gillgren is the Tech Strategist at RBAC. Ken was raised in Milwaukee and has been in Seattle since 1992. One of his favorite books is Smiley’s People. His favorite dish is a Korean dish called Sundubu (A soft tofu stew) with typical Korean side dishes. Two of his favorite movies are Fearless with Jeff Bridges and A Beautiful Mind. One of his favorite places to travel to with his wife is the San Juan Islands. There is whale watching observatory in the lighthouse where there is a chance to see some wildlife.
He has been with RBAC for almost 10 years. Before RBAC was RBAC he joined Rainier Beach Community Empowerment Coalition. (RBCEC) around 2011. That is almost 10 years serving the Rainier Beach Community. One of his proudest moments at RBAC was the Bootcamp training people in community news skills. He recruited several young people to help. After working with them for a week, they did a week-long boot camp with several other people from the corner greeter program. During this boot camp, they created the badges and milestones for community newz training. Something he would like to see in Rainier Beach is more gardens and locally produced honey. He would also like to see a journalism class back at Rainier Beach High School.
RBAC has allowed Ken to bring parts of his life together, his community development work and tech skills especially, freedom next. He is grateful to be in a neighborhood as lively and dynamic as Rainier Beach.