RBAC has 40 workers. 25 of the 40 workers are between the ages of 16-24 years old. 20 of the 40 workers are African American males. Through this workforce RBAC cycles into the Rainier Beach neighborhood over $1,000,000 in wages and compensation. In the story you are about to read we won’t provide the names of the Rainier Beach residents being spoken about in order to protect their identities. This household is representative of hundreds of others in our neighborhood that are worthy of investing in, this is an example of how RBAC leveraged resources to contribute to that investment. For this family, we will call them the Ujima’s (Ujima is Swahili for collective work and responsibility) RBAC hired two of the children, one has been working at RBAC since the ninth grade and is now a junior in college and the other has been working at RBAC since the ninth grade and is now a senior in high school. In 2021 RBAC channeled $40,000 to the household of eight. RBAC paid the college junior to study 18 hours per week and to work at RBAC 12 hours per week. We intentionally wanted to get them to 30 hours/week so they can receive health benefits. The high school senior worked 10 hours per week. The household, consisting of eight people, was also selected to participate in the Guaranteed Basic Income project. Through these investments, the Rainier Beach neighborhood now has a junior-level college student, a high school senior who has been accepted to two of their college choices, 2 non-arrest crime intervention practitioners, and a trained circle keeper. How about that!