Second quarter was the busiest yet for RBAC’s engagement team! They deployed 39 times – a 105% increase over the same timeframe last year!
The team convened a town hall on Recreating the Henderson Corridor, trainings on financial literacy and neighborhood resources, and 36 activations where young people provided resources and information, cleaned litter, conducted safety surveys and shaped the positive narrative of Rainier Beach on social media.
So RBAC’s in the neighborhood twice as much as last year…What’s that mean for Rainier Beach? Glad you asked! It means:
- More engagement obviously! Last year, 36 volunteers were recruited to participate in beautification projects during the second quarter. This year, 104 volunteers were recruited during the same period.
- We have more neighborhood public safety data! Last year, we collected 69 surveys from Rainier Beach community members in the second quarter. This year we collected 274 surveys. This data will be used to improve neighborhood outreach programming, prioritize investments and advocate for more resources.
- Young people in Rainier Beach are earning more! Last year RBAC’s engagement workers (who are all between the ages of 14 and 25) earned around $19,000 in the second quarter. This year, they earned around $38,000 in wages. This is money going directly into the pockets of young people in the neighborhood.
- People are saying that there are more positive activities for young people in Rainier Beach! Each year we ask people whether or not there are positive activities for young people in the locations that we’re having activations. Last year during the second quarter, 52% of those surveyed responded positively. This year, 71% responded positively! It’s reasonable to say that our increased presence in the neighborhood has contributed to better Rainier Beach for young people.
Be excited! Great things are happening in Rainier Beach and we can be proud of what we’ve accomplished together. If you would like to contribute financially to RBAC, so that we can continue increasing our levels of neighborhood engagement, donate at our website.