By Makayla Miles


Many of the staff at RBAC are Black Young adults and they are making legacies of their own.  

The Clean Crew which is led by and predominantly a group of young Black men are making their history in Rainier Beach by consistently beautifying the community.  They do litter pick-ups, graffiti removal, and currently are doing a Dunk the Junk campaign which is an anti-litter campaign.  Recently the Clean Crew hosted a Day of Service event in honor of Martin Luther King Day and are currently planning another community event for earth day. Not only are they environmental stewards, but they also encourage everyone around them to do the same. 

The Corner Greeters are the most visible RBAC workers.  For most of the year the Corner Greeters are present at activation sites a few days a week. The Corner Greeters are engaging the community by passing out information, providing nutrition, doing beautification, and being citizen journalists. They are making history by promoting public safety and positivity.

Besides that, there are many young adults within RBAC who are musicians, writers, tech enthusiasts and journalists and with every piece of work they create and do they are leaving their mark on the world. 

A quote that I feel like applies to the work being done is “Big things happen because you do a lot of small things supremely well and they compound over time.”-   Jim Collins

Every single successful Corner Greeter and Clean Crew event ensures that youth and neighborhood engagement work continues and will continue to grow.   In 10 years from now when Rainier Beach is thriving just remember that the young adults at RBAC had a part in its success.