The Rainier Beach Clean Crew is a team of individuals with specialized skills (knowledgeable about crime prevention through environmental design CPTED) who are working in the South Seattle area to decrease the crime rate through community-wide beautification.
They’ve decided they can make the neighborhood feel safer by cleaning up, and they’re encouraging other people in the neighborhood to do the same! Now is your chance to make a change while you make some pocket change!
This season we have a new and improved cleanup campaign for the people in the community called the ‘Treat it Like it’s Yours” Challenge.’
The Treat it Like it’s Yours Challenge is a 4-week long competition in which teams of 2 or more people (16-24 years old) will participate in and document their own neighborhood clean-up. To enter, you must pick a location in the Rainier Beach area that needs attention (ex. a park, school, parking lot, playground, yard, bus stop, gas station, trail). Once you’ve chosen a spot, you can snap your ‘before’ picture! Then, write up and send a supply-request form and send it to As soon as your before picture is received with your supply request form, you will be contacted with pick-up details for the supplies. After that, it’s time to get to work cleaning your spot! Be thorough and intentional during the process to ensure great results, because the winners will be determined by which teams made the most positive difference to the area(s) they chose. Take pictures while you’re working to document the process and don’t forget to take a picture when you’re finished to submit! Be sure to take a picture of your crew as well! Once your photos have been submitted, you are officially a contestant in the “Treat It Like It’s Yours Challenge! After all,…it is yours!
Our goal is to get 15 teams and at least 30 youth between the ages of 16-24 years old to participate. At the end of the month, the Clean Crew will be choosing the 3 teams with the best Before & After pictures to win a prize of $500 dollars per team!
Frequently asked questions
What do I get if I participate?
The top three teams (two person minimum) will receive $500. All teams will get to keep the materials provided (litter grabbers, bags, gloves) to keep the work going after the campaign challenge
Can we win more than 1 prize?
Not really. Prizes go to the top three teams as judged by the Clean Crew members. But if you count the free materials (litter grabbers bags, gloves) like we do…yes, sort of.
What are the geographical boundaries of where you can clean up to enter?
The Rainier Beach neighborhood is the boundary. To be more specific – Lake Washington to the east, Roxbury Street to the south, Martin Luther King Jr Way South to the west and Chicago Street to the north. Public and private property is fair game, but you need to inform the private property owner ahead of time. If you are able to get them to participate and take responsibility for a year that will factor in you getting a better score and being able to get the top prize
How will I receive my payment if I win?
You have the option of a. Check in hand or direct deposit into an account of your choosing. If you want each member of your team to get their share directly let us know. It may be possible.
Do I need to buy supplies?
The Clean Crew will provide the flowing supplies – litter grabbers, bags, gloves, and face covers for your crew. If your project requires more than that we can provide referrals to a tool shed or you provide them yourself.
Can my team continue cleaning up the location we select for the challenge after the challenge is I we?
Yes, this may factor in you being better able to win the prize if you let us know.
Are participants limited to youth?
Participation is open but we are particularly interested in young adults age 16-24 participating. All other age ranges are welcome.
Who can I contact for any further questions?
Send an email to You will receive a reply in 24-48 hours, guaranteed