Young, Gifted and Black Conference is an outreach program for African-American high school students who are interested in attending college. The purpose of the conference is to promote positive self-esteem, social consciousness, and cultural awareness, while simultaneously emphasizing the importance of higher education. YGB utilizes African-American history and culture in such a way that motivates and empowers attendees to take control of their future. 170 African-American students from all over Washington attended the 2009 YGB conference.
On May 22, 2010 a “Resource Fair” has been scheduled, in hopes that attendees can be exposed to organizations and colleges in the Puget Sound area as well as connect with some prominent community members and resources. YGB would like to invite representatives from organizations to participate in this event. Each organization will have an assigned table in the Mary Gates Hall Commons. If your organization/college is able to participate, please reserve May 22, 2010 between 2:00 pm – 4:00p
Also, please confirm your attendance at the YGB conference by contacting Jennifer Rance no later than 5/1/10. Click here for further details about the conference and the 2010 YGB Application.
Michelle Obama video on Education.