Coalition Interchange

Student Voices on Transportation and Education Oct 22 Paul Robeson PAC, 6 pm

Rainier Beach High School students and community members will host a town hall meeting next week to ask for more public transportation in their neighborhood.At the event, scheduled from 6-8 p.m. on Oct. 22, the students plan to...

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Rainier Beach Town Hall – Restorative Justice Aug 19, 6 pm Urban Impact@Emerald City Bible Fellowship

A community conversation about how we can create and lead restorative practices in Rainier Beach that keeps our youth from being trapped in a broken “education”, “justice” and “child welfare”...

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WALK FOR CHANGE with FATHERS and SONS TOGETHER (FAST), June 27, 2015, 9-3 pm, Rainier Beach Community Center Plaza

Why We Walk for Change? As an extension of the Fathers Day celebration The Walk for Change will celebrate our fathers as we encourage, provoke and inspire them to view fatherhood as a powerful entity that is strong enough to...

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